Living With Less

Alright so last week I talked a little bit about my goals for the new year and one that I wanted to discuss further today is ‘living with less’. Now I am not sitting here saying I am going to become an extreme minimalist but I do want to start living more minimally. The last few months I have been feeling like there is just so much “stuff” in our house and that it’s closing in on us haha! Ok that may be a bit of an exaggeration but anyone with kids knows that you accumulate so many things and just so much stuff. I really want to get the house to a place where we just have what we need and brings us joy and that’s it.

So over the weekend I decided to start project de-clutter in a big way, our home is three stories so my goal is to start at the top and work my way down. My first goal was to go through the boys room, they have so many toys and so many things that aren’t being played with, have lost pieces or are broken and just talking up space. I was finding that they had so much stuff that nothing was really encouraging creative play it was just there, everywhere, in the way and not inspiring them. So let me say guys, I kept all their favourite things and then some- everything that was left I organised, put the pieces together and displayed it all for them. I got 9 bags ready for donation and two boxes and it felt awesome.

The best part? My four year old came into his room and was so happy, he loves seeing all his favourite things out and toys that he had forgotten about out and set up with all the pieces.

He wanted to stay up in his room all day so I know he is enjoying the new, less cluttered set up. Next up is going to be our closet which is legit crazy town right now guys. I will keep you posted and I encourage you all to give it a try and start getting rid of the things you don’t need or use and don’t bring you happiness. I watched a great documentary the other day on Netflix called “Minimalism” and it was so good. My favourite take away from it was that it’s hard to get rid of your things, but you won’t miss them once their gone- you guys should definitely check it out!

Kind thoughts,

Lauren Elizabeth


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